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Opportunities for youth and young adults:

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services

This program focuses on long-term, individual and progressive career plans for you, rather than simply focusing on “just getting a job.” We provide coaching activities and resources to help you develop skills for career development and job retention.

UNCOM works to provide the following 14 elements through this program:

  1. Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction and evidence-based dropout and recovery strategies.
  2. Alternative secondary school instruction or dropout recovery services.
  3. Paid and unpaid work experiences.
  4. Occupational skills training.
  5. Leadership development opportunities.
  6. Support services.
  7. Adult mentoring.
  8. Follow-up services.
  9. Comprehensive guidance and counseling activities.
  10. Financial Literacy education.
  11. Entrepreneurial skills training.
  12. Services that provide labor market and employment information in the local area.
  13. Activities that help youth transition to post-secondary education and training.
  14. Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster.

Am I eligible?

A youth is eligible for WIOA Title I services if he/she is:

  • Milwaukee County resident, ages 16 – 24,
  • U.S. citizen or resident alien who is permitted to work in U.S.
  • Low income (70% of the Lower Living Standard Income level); and
  • An individual who is one or more of the following:
    1. Deficient in basic literacy skills (performing at or below 8.9 in math or reading),
    2. A school dropout,
    3. Homeless, a runaway, or in out-of-home care,
    4. Pregnant or a parent,
    5. An offender, or
    6. Other (state or locally defined)

*If you would like more information on the WIOA Youth Services programs, please contact Chee Thao at: cthao@uncom-milw.org or 414-977-0122.

Disclaimer: Employee listings are for both UNCOM and member agency opportunities. Thank you for considering United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee as a choice for employment.

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