Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services
This program focuses on long-term, individual and progressive career plans for you, rather than simply focusing on “just getting a job.” We provide coaching activities and resources to help you develop skills for career development and job retention.
UNCOM works to provide the following 14 elements through this program:
- Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction and evidence-based dropout and recovery strategies.
- Alternative secondary school instruction or dropout recovery services.
- Paid and unpaid work experiences.
- Occupational skills training.
- Leadership development opportunities.
- Support services.
- Adult mentoring.
- Follow-up services.
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling activities.
- Financial Literacy education.
- Entrepreneurial skills training.
- Services that provide labor market and employment information in the local area.
- Activities that help youth transition to post-secondary education and training.
- Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster.
Am I eligible?
A youth is eligible for WIOA Title I services if he/she is:
- Milwaukee County resident, ages 16 – 24,
- U.S. citizen or resident alien who is permitted to work in U.S.
- Low income (70% of the Lower Living Standard Income level); and
- An individual who is one or more of the following:
- Deficient in basic literacy skills (performing at or below 8.9 in math or reading),
- A school dropout,
- Homeless, a runaway, or in out-of-home care,
- Pregnant or a parent,
- An offender, or
- Other (state or locally defined)
*If you would like more information on the WIOA Youth Services programs,
please contact Chee Thao at: or 414-977-0122.